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New requirements for 5150-5250 MHz, 5250-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz bands.
CONATEL opens Public Consultation to establish the conditions that equipment must meet to be classified as free use.
CAK stopped issuing 6 months provisional certificates for Low Power Devices, Switches and Routers. The Regulator instead grants final certificates for these types of RF and Telecom equipment
The Bolivian regulator, Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Servicios, y Vivienda (MOPSV) has announced the modification of the National Frequency Plan approved on November 8, 2012 by Ministerial Resolution No. 174 of September 9, 2022, which designates the 3.3-3.6 GHz frequency bands for 5G mobile services.
The ICT Ministry and the Agencia Nacional del Espectro (ANE) announced the issuance of resolution 737 of November 18, 2022 through which it designated the entire 6GHz band (5.925-7.125MHz) for indoor Wi-Fi unlicensed services.
The Presidential consultant for Digital Transformation, Saúl Kattan, announced that the entire 6 GHz band will be opened for free use (5925-7125 MHz) and thus support the connectivity in the country