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There has been a major policy change at Kenya's CA, now requiring Short Range Devices (SRD)to undergo the Type Approval Process.
CAK stopped issuing 6 months provisional certificates for Low Power Devices, Switches and Routers. The Regulator instead grants final certificates for these types of RF and Telecom equipment
The Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK ) published an updated Guidelines on the use of SRD where the frequency band 5925 - 6425 MHz is opened for WiFi 6E
On 21st of September 2021, The Communication Authority of Kenya (CA) have launched a public consultation "On Type Approval Of Static Mobile Phone Signal Repeaters".
On 4th of May 2021, a public consultation on IPv4 to IPv6 migration strategy was published by the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA), emphasizing the urgent need for migration until July 2022.
On 23rd of March 2021, the Communication Authority of Kenya have started a public consultation on "Draft Guidelines on Features and Technical Specifications for Mobile Cellular Devices imported into and distributed in Kenya".