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Vietnamese Regulator – MIC have recently published a draft Circular, intended to replace its’ predecessor Circular 05/2019/TT-BTTTT – Regulations on products subject to Type Approval and SDoC as of 1st July 2020
Rwanda - RURA updates SRD guidelines
Posted by Admin in Rwanda - 17-FEB-20
Guidelines 008/G/R/SM-ICT/RURA/2019 have officially come into force in Rwanda
All type approval applications are currently suspended in Central African Republic
ANCE encryption approvals to fall under jurisdiction of CERT
NBTC have issued new standards NBTC TS 1036-2563 and NBTC TS 1037-2563 defining the technical standards and minimum technical characteristics of telecommunications equipment using 5G technology.
Eleos Directors give you all of the latest regulatory news and updates from around the world.