CONATEL Updates the PNAF to Facilitate the Implementation of 5G Technology

Paraguay - CONATEL Updates the PNAF to Facilitate the Implementation of 5G Technology
Posted by Admin in Paraguay - 30-JUL-24
The National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) of Paraguay has introduced significant changes to the National Frequency Allocation Plan (PNAF) through Resolution Directory No. 1269/2020. This resolution, approved on June 26, 2024, redefines the allocation of the 3.300-3.700 MHz frequency band to facilitate the implementation of 5G technology in the country.

Key Changes

Modification of National Note PRG-71:

The 3.300-3.400 MHz band is allocated to mobile services on a primary basis, including IMT systems, cellular mobile telephony, and Internet access.

The 3.400-3.700 MHz band, previously allocated to fixed services, is progressively transferred to mobile services, with a deadline established for the cessation of fixed systems operations.

The 3.600-3.700 MHz band is also temporarily allocated to fixed satellite services until the established deadline.

Sub-band Allocation:

The 3.300-3.700 MHz band is divided into eight sub-bands of 50 MHz each:

    • Sub-band A: 3300-3350 MHz
    • Sub-band B: 3350-3400 MHz
    • Sub-band C: 3400-3450 MHz
    • Sub-band D: 3450-3500 MHz
    • Sub-band E: 3500-3550 MHz
    • Sub-band F: 3550-3600 MHz
    • Sub-band G: 3600-3650 MHz
    • Sub-band H: 3650-3700 MHz

Elimination of National Note PRG-75:

National Note PRG-75 has been eliminated from the PNAF to facilitate the reconfiguration of the 3.300-3.700 MHz frequency band.

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